Thursday, November 10, 2011

Uh, so its been a while.

みなさん、こんにちは。私のブログをよんでくれてありげとう。^_^ あの。。。ひさしぶりですね。私は学校で日本語をまなんでいます。ごめんなさい、私はそのよいではない。ええと、ちょっと日本語わかります。So, I hope that my Japanese is all right grammatically speaking because if not, that would be embarrassing. I hope I said; Everybody, hello. Thanks for reading my blog. It's been a while, hasn't it? I am learning Japanese at school. I'm sorry, I'm not that good. I understand a little Japanese. Haha, yeh. I'm cool. So, I've started to realize that I graduate next year. I've kinda been thinking about my future and it's all seems ... surreal. It seems like just yesterday that I was beginning grade 7. So much has changed who I am. I actually cannot believe the changes in my life. I swear, it's like the grade 7 me doesn't exist anymore. Thank god. But I am thankful for the changes. I wouldn't be me without the concept of change. I change everything, both good and bad. I can't decide if that is a good thing though. I think it might be, because even though I change the good things in my life I would still have good things, just different ones. Like friends, as I've said in an older post, can't be the same for a number of years; unless they are friends I don't see every day.